Nick, you’ve certainly won a convert here. I’ve been introducing myself lately as a “reformed allopath.” Maybe I should say “recovering”… Thank you for the great work you & Dr. Eisenstein have done to bring together the excellent sources of DOCUMENTED SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE which so cogently supports the vaccine link to so much morbidity & mortality.( Nothing short of this documentation, by credentialed, legitimate, accomplished scientists & researchers, could have effected the “professional epiphany” I’ve experienced in the last 4-6 months. Your presentations have helped evolve my thinking & beliefs to a 180-degree turn-around on the subject of vaccine efficacy & safety. Life-changing information… I’m convinced–AND you’ve triggered an insatiable desire for even more data & documentation! Keep up the good work! THANKS. And you can quote me! Happy Holidays! Live, Love, Laugh–and be well! – Debbi Silverman, M.D., C.W.C. Β read more …