Shouldn’t the after-effects of vaccination be discussed before?
Listed here are the details of forthcoming talks on vaccination and other related subjects.
If you are interested in organising a talk in your locality, or indeed if you are a practitioner/researcher who would like to advertise your vaccination talk on this website, please email or phone: 01903 212969.
Unique Seminar about what disease truly is and how to manage it
Seminar by Patrick Quanten MD, author of:
‘Your Health in Your Hands’ co-author of ‘Why Me ? – science and spirituality as inevitable bed partners’.
‘A Conscious Humanity – freedom , morality and natural law’ ‘Medical Despotism – The health, economic and political programme that can kill you’.
If you want to be responsible for something you need to understand that something.
If you want to take responsibility for your health you need to understand what has gone wrong. In order for you to understand that you need to know what it looks like and how it operates when it is not broken.
The Structure of Life
Life is created by Nature, so we need to understand what life is and how it happens. Not just human life, but life in general. Nature is one, so life is one. Without an understanding of how life is constructed we have no chance of fixing it when it goes wrong.
The Structure of a Human Being
Humans have specific characteristics, just as other species of plants and animals have. What are these? What is their significance? How do they influence the lives of human beings?
What is Disease?
Before we are going to fix anything we need to be quite sure what it is that went wrong. So let’s take a close look at how life functions and where and how any breakdowns occur.
The Skills to Heal
Once we know what goes wrong and why, we can look for what is needed to repair it.
It turns out that life is constructed with individual specimens as the building blocks.
It turns out that a Human Being has a consciousness that is conscious of its own consciousness, which is a major factor of influence in his/her life.
It turns out that a disease doesn’t start at the physical level and is a very personal affair.
It turns out that the individual has all the potential not to become ill and at the same time to heal every time he/she does become ill.
Sunday 26 May, Queens Hotel, Penzance 8.50 am – 5pm : £30, (£50 couples)
Numbers are limited, so first come first served basis. Tickets non-refundable but are transferable.
For bookings
contact rob – robbieraz@yahoo.com