Over the years the British Medical Journal have been an excellent platform for open discussion. Sadly due to the recent censorship of anyone who highlights any concerns regarding vaccination it appears that the number of Rapid Responses accepted for publication are now on the decline.
I recently submitted the following in regards to the article Measles Cases Rise by 300% in First Few Months of 2019

Re: Measles cases rise 300% globally in first few months of 2019

I am surprised that Elisabeth Mahase has not mentioned the natural dynamics of disease. Measles cases have been declining greatly over the last century or more. Due to disease dynamics, peaks and troughs have occurred throughout the decline, which will result in an increase in measles cases some years. However even when these peaks occur, the overall trend is that measles continues to decline.

In the UK it is clear that the major decline in both morbidity and mortality occurred well before the single measles vaccine (1968) and the MMR (1988) were introduced. Data can be obtained on the Public Health England (PHE) website.(1)

One area of data that is not systematically collated is the number of vaccinated individuals who go on to develop measles. Also, how many cases of measles in the vaccinated are diagnosed as a non-specific viral infection due to the individuals’ vaccination status?

The PHE website now includes the number of lab confirmed cases highlighting that many of the notified measles cases when tested actually result in a negative outcome. For example, in the first quarter of 2018 when 1202 measles cases were notified. Of the 756 (62.9%) tested only 91 were positive.(2) Therefore many apparent measles cases were ultimately not measles according to the test results. It would also be interesting to know how many of the laboratory confirmed cases occurred in the vaccinated. This data would assist towards evaluating what role the vaccine is playing.

I would also like to know what percentage of the measles cases reported by the WHO were laboratory confirmed cases? Figures from the developing countries will be far greater due to the very different social conditions. Quoting figures and deaths in the Philippines without any detail is purely fear-mongering. We would need to know, for example, what their state of health was prior to developing measles, how they were treated and how many of those cases were vaccinated? If the main causes of disease, ie poor housing and sanitation, lack of clean water, and poor nutrition were addressed then measles cases and deaths would fall in the developing world in the same manner that we have experienced in the UK.

Measles in the vaccinated has occurred ever since the first measles vaccine was introduced. Many outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations have been published over the years in medical journals, with very little attention drawn to them by the health authorities or the media.

One thing that has certainly risen globally in recent years and far greater than 300% is the paranoia regarding measles. This common childhood acute was not considered such an issue back in the mid twentieth century, and as I have commented before in one of my previous Rapid Responses (3) reporting doctors back in 1959 referred to measles as ‘normally a mild infection’. (4)

Why would the NY City’s mayor, de Blasio, declare a state of emergency earlier this month over a few hundred cases of measles in the last six months? Who are his advisors in this matter? There have been numerous years with much greater numbers of measles and no one was talking about a state of emergency then? Banning unvaccinated in public places with the threat of large fines – we are truly going back to the dark ages with these extreme measures!

In the first few months of 1959 the BMJ reported 41,000 cases of measles in England and Wales. This would not have even made headline news back then, as measles was not considered such an issue by the end of the fifties. Why? Measles, by the 1950s was generally an uncomplicated acute in UK children. An example, and typical of that time, can be found in part of a letter by a practitioner, published in the BMJ in 1968, regarding measles. They state: ‘I have not seen a complication of measles for at least the last four epidemics and I do not prescribe routine antibiotics. A child who contracts measles is ill for a few days and is protected for life. An injection of live vaccine may protect during childhood with a possible reaction for a day or two, leaving the possibility of measles infection in adolescence or later – a risk to be run, and an unpleasant one.’ (5)

The biggest gap in ‘coverage’ is the lack of sensible and realistic portrayal and discussion of measles we are now experiencing. The bully tactics of people like the NY mayor are leading us towards a global medical dictatorship.

Magda Taylor, The Informed Parent
18 April 2019

1. Measles notifications and deaths in England and Wales: 1940 to 2016 (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/measles-deaths-by-age-group-from-1980-to-2013-ons-data/measles-notifications-and-deaths-in-england-and-wales-1940-to-2013)
2. Measles notifications and confirmed cases by oral fluid testing 2013 to 2018 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/measles-confirmed-cases/measles-notifications-and-confirmed-cases-by-quarter-in-england-2013-to-2015
3. Taylor M. BMJ, Rapid Response Re: Measles: neither gone nor forgotten. Fuelling divisions and a lack of public debate are the main problems. 3 Nov. 2018
4. Measles Epidemic; BMJ; 7 Feb 1959 p354
5. Mary J Bartlett, Stourbridge, Worcs. BMJ, 17 Feb 1968 p 446