GARDASIL: Fast-Tracked and Flawed
by Helen Lobato
Spinifex Press, Australia, 2017
ISBN 978-1-74219-993-1 (136pp)
Helen Lobato, an Australian health researcher with a critical-care nursing background, makes a strong case for the lack of a direct link between human papilloma virus (HPV) and cervical cancer. She says there is no evidence that the Gardasil® and Cervarix® vaccines have prevented even one case of cervical cancer, which had been declining anyway for decades in developed nations. These vaccines are given to girls, and now boys, to fight a disease that has not been proved to be sexually transmitted. What is on the rise since the introduction of these HPV vaccines in 2006 is the huge number of adverse reactions including pain, fatigue, anaphylaxis, paralysis, seizures, autoimmune illnesses, premature ovarian failure and even death, and the case studies Lobato presents are very disturbing. Her update at notes over 73,000 adverse events and 324 deaths worldwide so far. Lobato details the flawed science, egotism, Big Pharma profiteering, political manoeuvrings and media failures behind this dangerous HPV vaccine that was never properly tested. She calls on concerned citizens to publicise the truth, and for moratoriums, independent inquiries and compensation to be put in place. A powerful rallying cry.

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The review in NEXUS Oct-Nov 2017