AHVID have been in discussions over a good many weeks with Francisco Almodovar, a Spanish Attorney who wishes to take legal action on the lack of Informed Consent within the European Union. We wish to have our AHVID families and all other HPV vaccine injured from the UK represented in this action because none of them received adequate information prior to HPV vaccination. Therefore, they could not exercise their basic human right to informed consent.
If we are successful, then this will not only give ALL families in the UK the right to choose whether they have their daughters vaccinated or not with the HPV vaccine as they will have been provided with all the facts, not just a few saying that the vaccine is safe and effective!! This should also help ALL families whose children are being vaccinated with many other vaccines and which God willing will prevent so many other little ones from being harmed.
Spain and Ireland and possibly Denmark will be getting involved also from within their own countries.
It was mentioned that AHVID would be putting together a crowd funding link in order that we can raise the sum of £2,500 which is quite a bit more than the 2,000 euros requested of us for the first year. Any additional funds will be retained to support any research or establish epidemiological studies which could clearly identify a ‘red flag’ of injuries sustained by many of our young girls following HPV Vaccination. This latter suggestion is being looked at by us and Francisco Almodovar has confirmed that this would be of great benefit.
Our AHVID crowd-funding page is now live at https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/AHVID
Please share this with all your family and friends and if we can reach out to many and share the cost of this important project, then we should be able to reach our target very quickly. Every little bit contributed will help so much.
Intended Start Date of this Project: September 2017.
Any help and support you can give – no matter how small, will be so appreciated.