Short documentary about the HPV vaccination and what effect it has had on these particular family’s lives.
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Posted by Magda Taylor | May 28, 2014 | noticeboard | 0 |
Short documentary about the HPV vaccination and what effect it has had on these particular family’s lives.
Both inflammation and fevers have been increasingly demonized in modern medicine, often seen as symptoms to be suppressed rather than natural healing processes to be supported. #NaturalHealing #Inflammation #HolisticHealth #Health #andrewkaufmanmd
There was no lab leak.
There was no virus.
You cannot weaponize something that doesn’t exist in the first place.
That narrative is a clever way to make the health freedom movement believe they’ve uncovered the truth while unknowingly buying into the other side of a false…
As RFK Jr.'s confirmation nears, vaccine debates will heat up while the truth is ignored. The real conversation should challenge the very foundation of virology and the evidence for viral existence. #QuestionEverything #HealthScience #RFKJr #VaccineDebate #Virology
All vaccines are poison. None ever saved a life. Vaccines are bolstered by the germ theory fraud & break cleansing mechanisms leading to chronic disease. Viruses do not exist. The contagion belief is wrong. Symptoms are responses to being poisoned, support the release.
@ed_unwa Please watch&share my testimony with heroic Magda Taylor founder of the newsletter @informedparent_ discussing the need for informed consent for parents around immunisation, who's been speaking out around risks of vaccination since 1992.
Dr Liz Evans has been a long term subscriber to The Informed Parent newsletter @LizfinchEvans @DrAseemMalhotra @ashTFE @FatEmperor
@TheRedPillPharm please watch&share my testimonial with retired GP @LizfinchEvans who warned of potential dangers of the covid jab before the rollout.She's since been a tireless campaigner for medical ethics,informed consent,bodily autonomy&medical choice
My conversation with Prof Gloria Moss