Shouldn’t the after-effects of vaccination be discussed before?

2004: Back issues (PDF download: each issue FREE)

2004 Issue 01

  • Excluding Unvaccinated Children at Nurseries
  • Polio Outbreaks
  • Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines
  • Study Misses Link Between Thimerosal and Neuro Developmental Disorders

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2004 Issue 02

  • Unreliability of Scientific Papers as Evidence
  • Viera Scheibner Comments in BMJ
  • Susceptibility & Proneness – is There A Difference?
  • Contagious Diseases

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2004 Issue 03

  • Misconceptions About the New Combination Vaccine
  • Non-Parenteral Vaccines Have Not Lived up to their Initial Promise because of Side Effects
  • BMJ Response to Misconceptions
  • 5 in 1 Jab – Comments from Canada

Click on pic to enlarge.

2004 Issue 04

  • MMR Capital Catch-Up Campaign
  • Mumps – Do We Need to Worry?
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine β€˜May Triple Risk of MS’
  • The Unity of Acute Diseases

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