Shouldn’t the after-effects of vaccination be discussed before?

2002: Back issues (PDF download: each issue FREE)

2002 Issue 01

  • Vaccines can Fail, But the Reason May not be Obvious
  • β€œWill the Poliovirus Eradication Program Rid the World of Childhood Paralysis?” Part One
  • IOM Report on Child Vaccinations Urges More Research
  • Herd Immunity

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2002 Issue 02

  • Measles Pupils had been Given Vaccine
  • β€œWill the Poliovirus Eradication Program Rid the World of Childhood Paralysis?” Part
  • Vaccine Experts to Debate need for Booster Hib Jab
  • The Untold Choice – Vaccinate or Else!

Click on pic to enlarge.

2002 Issue 03

  • Monkey Virus in Humans may Trigger Cancer
  • Acute and Chronic Disease – Part One
  • Parents Opt for Private Vaccinations
  • Are Childhood Infections a Good Thing?

Click on pic to enlarge.

2002 Issue 04

  • Autism and MMR: Open Up The Debate
  • Acute and Chronic Disease – Part Two
  • Revealed, Most Compelling Evidenc Yet of MMR Danger
  • Articles from the Archives – 1883

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