Shouldn’t the after-effects of vaccination be discussed before?

1996: Back issues (PDF download: each issue FREE)

1996 Issue 14

  • Rubella Vaccination: A Failure
  • Vaccines Blamed for Gulf War Ills
  • Letter to the W.H.O.

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1996 Issue 15

  • The Case of Lilian Bradshaw
  • The Informed Parent at the Green Party Spring Conference
  • Homeopathy Can Clear Up Post-Vaccination Problems

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1996 Issue 16

  • Does Vaccination help to Spread Smallpox?
  • Why Were only Women Vaccinated?
  • Animal Virus Enzyme found in MMR Vaccine

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1996 Issue 17

  • Front-Line fears over Pertussis Jab Policy
  • Dealing with Fevers
  • Polio Vaccine Virus Linked to Lung Cancer

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