Project Category: 2001
Both inflammation and fevers have been increasingly demonized in modern medicine, often seen as symptoms to be suppressed rather than natural healing processes to be supported. #NaturalHealing #Inflammation #HolisticHealth #Health #andrewkaufmanmd
There was no lab leak.
There was no virus.
You cannot weaponize something that doesn’t exist in the first place.
That narrative is a clever way to make the health freedom movement believe they’ve uncovered the truth while unknowingly buying into the other side of a false…
As RFK Jr.'s confirmation nears, vaccine debates will heat up while the truth is ignored. The real conversation should challenge the very foundation of virology and the evidence for viral existence. #QuestionEverything #HealthScience #RFKJr #VaccineDebate #Virology
All vaccines are poison. None ever saved a life. Vaccines are bolstered by the germ theory fraud & break cleansing mechanisms leading to chronic disease. Viruses do not exist. The contagion belief is wrong. Symptoms are responses to being poisoned, support the release.
@ed_unwa Please watch&share my testimony with heroic Magda Taylor founder of the newsletter @informedparent_ discussing the need for informed consent for parents around immunisation, who's been speaking out around risks of vaccination since 1992.
Dr Liz Evans has been a long term subscriber to The Informed Parent newsletter @LizfinchEvans @DrAseemMalhotra @ashTFE @FatEmperor
@TheRedPillPharm please watch&share my testimonial with retired GP @LizfinchEvans who warned of potential dangers of the covid jab before the rollout.She's since been a tireless campaigner for medical ethics,informed consent,bodily autonomy&medical choice
My conversation with Prof Gloria Moss