Shouldn't the after-effects of vaccination be discussed before?

About us: aims and objectives

Informing and helping parents make the right decision for their child.

The Informed Parent was originally set up in September 1992 to counter frustration and isolation experienced by parents in their efforts to seek information about immunisation, following uncertainty about its safety and effectiveness.
September 2020 marks TIP’s 28th anniversary. A big thank you to all the heart-warming support, subscriptions and kind donations along the way. Please let others know about this website and encourage your family and friends to look into this subject. More and more people are asking questions about this subject. They are alarmed and dissatisfied with the bias official narrative and the closed debate.
It is essential that more of the general public become informed as the threat of mandatory vaccine laws are upon us presently! In many parts of Europe, US and Australia some parents are facing either mandatory laws, fines and/or enormous pressure and penalties regarding child benefits if they refuse vaccination for their families.
Subscription is on an annual basis with 3 newsletters per year to provide a wide range of information on the vaccination issue.
Link-up will be available for subscribers who wish to make contact with other like-minded people for discussion and support.
(see Aims and Objectives No. 7)
We cannot give medical advice, and we neither recommend nor advise against vaccination, but we can help parents inform themselves and make the right decision for their child.


PLEASE NOTE: TIP is a non-profitmaking organisation and is purely dependant on subscriptions, donations and book sales to exist as an information point for the public. If you have found this site useful please show your appreciation by taking a subscription HERE or making a donation below. This will enable TIP to continue with it’s primary aim i.e. to help people become INFORMED.

Aims & Objectives

1. To promote awareness and understanding about vaccinations in order to preserve the freedom of an informed choice.

2. To offer support to parents regardless of the decisions they make.

3. To publish a newsletter three times a year.

4. To inform parents of the alternatives to vaccinations.

5. To accumulate historical and current information about vaccination and to make it available to subscribers and interested parties.

6. To arrange and facilitate local talks, discussions and seminars on vaccinations and preventative medicine for childhood illnesses.

7. To establish a nationwide support network (subject to subscribers permission).

8. To obtain, collect and receive money funds by way of contributions, donations, subscriptions, legacies, grants or any other lawful methods; to accept and receive any gift of property; to administer such funds and property and to devote the income, assets or property of the organisation in or towards fulfilment of the objectives of the organisation.


DONATIONS are always much appreciated to help keep The Informed Parent running! Behind the scenes much work, research, networking, emails, lengthy phone calls, trying to assist concerned parents with challenging situations, and all the enormous amount of general admin involved with producing the newsletter for the last 25 years has been achieved thanks to all those who subscribed and donated.

If you have found this website helpful please select amount you wish to donate and click button:

Donation Amount

The views expressed on this website and in the newsletter are not necessarily those of The Informed Parent Co. Ltd. We are simply bringing these various viewpoints to your attention. We neither recommend nor advise against vaccination. This organisation is non-profit making.