Dear Informed Parents,
I am carrying out a survey on reasons why parents/carers have difficulty in accessing immunisation services and alsoย why some parents/carers choose not to vaccinate their children.
Please bear in mind that this survey is tailored to a wide audience with different points of view.ย  I am very open to get your views on this topic soย as to help improve immunisation services for the under 5s.
I would be most grateful if you could complete this survey which will be open until the end of May 2015.

There are two target audiences: ย  ย  ย 1. Parents/Carers ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย 2. Health Professionals

You may answer the survey from the two perspectives.ย All answers are anonymous and in strict confidentiality.
Follow this link to the Survey:ย HERE

Thank you for your support
Rita Adu-Bobie,ย NHS England
