Shouldn’t the after-effects of vaccination be discussed before?

1998: Back issues (PDF download: each issue FREE)

1998 Issue 22

  • Childhood Vaccinations and Juvenile Onset (Type-1) Diabetes
  • Tetanus and Polio Vaccines – Some Facts for Parents who are Worried about these Diseases
  • Response to WHO Evidence for Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness – Part Two

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1998 Issue 23

  • Deaths, Severe Reactions after DTP Not Due to Vaccine, says Study Team
  • Dealing with Sore Throats and Tonsillitis
  • Diabetes in Children May be Spread by School Virus

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1998 Issue 24

  • Call for Research Misconduct Agency
  • Mad Cows and Wild Professors
  • Immunisation Target Payments Threatened by MMR Jab Scare

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1998 Issue 25

  • The Children’s Vaccine Initiative. An Open Window upon Global Vaccination Strategies
  • Public Should be Told that Vaccines may have Long Term Adverse Effects
  • Let Them Eat Dirt
  • Making the Case for Government Compensation for those Damaged by Vaccines
  • Flu and Vaccination

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