Shouldn’t the after-effects of vaccination be discussed before?

1993: Back issues (PDF download: each issue FREE)

1993 Issue 02

  • Problems with the MMR Vaccine
  • Vaccination? A Difficult Decision
  • M.E. and Vaccinations – Is there a connection?

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1993 Issue 03

  • The View from β€˜Down Under’
  • Vaccinated Children Catch Measles
  • Allergic Reaction 40 years ago

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1993 Issue 04

  • What Information for Parents?
  • Fear and Vaccination – One Homeopath’s View
  • Reaction to the Polio and Triple Vaccines

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1993 Issue 05

  • The Tragic Case of Sarah
  • Tetanus – The Vaccine Which Raises Most Doubts
  • Is Measles an Illness?

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